
Of Freedom and Family: Ch 3

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Title: Of Freedom and Family

Author: ~LightsAurora

Game: Dragon Age II

Characters/pairing: F!Hawke x Fenris (or more accurately, Leto)

Disclaimer: BioWare owns all, of course!

F!Hawke, captured by slavers and sold to Magister Denarius, finds friendship and love in the slave Leto. But she can't forget the family she left behind, and neither can he forget the family he swore to free. Rated M for future chapters.


A/N: Any notes on the progression of the friendship and characterization would be greatly appreciated, as well as on narrative flow. It's why it took me so long with this chapter, but I hope it was worth the wait! ConCrits, as always, are greatly appreciated. ^_^


"The bath room is across the hall from the armory." Ryna watched as a slight blush crawled up Leto's neck, but decided to forgo any teasing. He seemed a rather serious sort. Broodish, even. "It… is usually empty by tenth bell."

"Hm. Dinner first, then."

When they finally reached the fire, they were the last, and the pickings had something to be desired. However, there was more than enough for them both, and Ryna's stomach twisted in anticipation. Going for weeks without bathing had nothing on bare minimum rations.

The guardsman at the pot looked up, and with only a cursory glance in Ryna's direction, ladled a bowl full of the now lukewarm stew. He handed it to Leto, along with the leftover heel of bread. Then he settled back and chewed on his own piece of bread, studiously ignoring her.

Ryna raised a brow at this, ready to turn away with no meal for the day. In her mind, it would not be wise to test a trainee's combat aptitudes after so long starving, and not just unsafe for the trainee herself. But if this were a punishment, or a test itself, then she would not complain. Her stomach might, but she would not.

Captain Goreth chose that time to stick his head into the common room and shout, "New one gets a full ration," before leaving just as quickly.

Full bowl in hand, the bread soaking in the broth, Ryna looked around for a place to eat in peace. She would have liked nothing more than to just accost the stewpot with her spoon, but that wasn't very classy. She may be a slave now, but she wasn't about to forget her civility.

Leto caught her eye along the back wall, where a number of bedrolls were lined up. Each one was occupied by a trainee, but for the one beside Leto. His was last, near a side door. A place of trust, Ryna noticed, as was the rear guard of a formation. For a trainee he was utterly loyal, then, and unlikely to help with any escape plans. Well, it wasn't like Ryna expected things to go easy for her.

With a slight groan at the stretch and pull of her injuries, Ryna folded herself into a sitting position beside Leto. She could have easily shrugged off the dull pain, but she didn't trust her guide into slavery, and so played up her soreness. It was still very unclear whether Leto's loyalty was to the Captain or the Master, and that was a very important distinction.

"Eat slow. They probably didn't feed you much, and you won't get more if you puke it up."

"I know." She didn't mean to sound snobby, but she had already taken a very tentative nibble and had set down her spoon. "Sorry. I mean that this is not the first time I've gone without for so long."


Ryna wasn't sure if he was truly curious, or trying to get her to slip up and tell him something no one in Tevinter needed to know. So she gave a nonchalant nod and poked at her stew. Leto looked at her expectantly, and she somehow felt hollow when he returned his attention to his own meal.

Maybe, in another life, they might have become friends. She could say that about a lot of the people her age she had met growing up and moving around. Even the people she claimed were friends back in Lothering were really only passing acquaintances. Everything about her life was wrapped up in protecting her family. She didn't question it, didn't begrudge it.

It was silly to consider forming a friendship here, even a fake one. Despite all her trickery, Ryna found it loathsome to pretend at such a relationship. It was too special, in her mind, like love and respect. Attraction, joy, fear, anger - she could pretend a lot of emotions. But it felt wrong to lie about such pure, honest feelings. Respect, love, affection… those were ones she would not play at, not even for her life.

With a shake of her head to stave off any thoughts beyond plans of escape, she concentrated on her stomach and the food in front of her.

It took her an hour of small bites and gut twists to finish her stew, but she did. After a week unconscious, and several more with almost nothing to eat, her belly felt distended. But she was satisfied, and ready to sleep. After a bath. She needed a bath, she really did.

From the main door, a man in senior armor - Ryna had begun picking out the different ranks and gear as she ate - yelled for Leto and the new one to go to the Captain's quarters. It was surely too soon for anyone to bother to learn her name.

Without a word, Leto picked up his bowl and placed it in a larger bin full of dirty dishes and utensils. Ryna did the same, and wondered if there was some sort of chore rotation, or if the kitchens took care of those. She hated doing dishes. And washing clothes. Oiling armor wasn't a problem, she liked her armor. But if she had to wash dishes, she would. She didn't have to like it.

The Captain's room was not nearly as big as Ryna had expected, and as spartan in luxury as the common area. She respected him for that, even if it might not have been his choice, which she thought it was. He stood behind the plain desk, a set of leather armor, a repair and bath kit, and what looked like a clean, simple dress and undergarments. In the midst of this sat a pair of daggers, a bow, and a quiver of arrows.

Her weapons of choice.

She itched to pick them up, to know them again after too long without, and took an eager step forward. The door snapped shut behind her, and she felt Leto at it, waiting for her to make some move. Ryna stilled, and tore her gaze from the blades. Why Captain Goreth had them on display for her was inconsequential, because she doubted they would be in her hands anytime soon.

Ryna bowed. "Captain."

Goreth grunted. "No bowing. The Master sees that, we'll both get the whip, at least."

"Yes Captain."

"You will be tested tomorrow, after morning exercises. The Master has permitted you the use of daggers, but no armor. I and two of my Sergeants will oversee, and you will compete against the other trainees."

"Yes Captain." Behind her, Ryna heard Leto shuffle.

Goreth gestured to the items on the desk. "According to your… captor, your preferred style of fighting is from the shadows, but I would like to know from you."

"If I may ask, why, Captain?"

"To balance the testing. It's unfair to ask a rogue or assassin to face open combat."

Well, that was a surprise. Ryna had taken this man for a hard but honest leader, of course. It was why he was the first person she had voluntarily shown deference to. But she had pinned Denarius as a sick bastard, one who would play with his slaves, and be only mildly disappointed when they died without giving him enough sport. If she had to guess, the Master had made Goreth give something up, or take extra chores, or something. She didn't like it, but if Goreth thought the trade worth enough to give her a better chance, she would not belittle his kindness.

She had no doubt Leto, or the other trainees, would not hesitate to kill her if she proved too weak for the guard.

"Adaptive." Goreth gave her a confused look. "My fighting style, it's adaptive. I was a ranger of sorts when my mage and I lived near a forest. That's where I developed my bow and hunting skills. I took to dueling when we tried to hide in a large city, though we weren't there long. I can even wield a greatsword or a crossbow if that's all there is to be had, though I do work best with daggers."

"Hm. You take whatever life gives you and use it as best you can." A far away look clouded the Captains eyes, and she wondered what sorrows had twisted his fate. Her respect for this man solidified. It would not keep her here, but now it would be doubly hard to escape. She had no doubt she would plan things so that no one but her could be to blame, and hope Denarius wouldn't let loose his wrath on the Captain and his men.

"As do we all, Captain."

Goreth shook his head and rubbed his forehead. "The men have been informed to clear out of the bathing room by tenth bell every night. Everyone must be in their bunks by midnight, apart from the guards on duty. You are confined to the training area, and Leto must be with you at all times."


Captain Goreth looked to Leto for confirmation of orders received, and Leto provided it with a nod. Goreth handed Ryna the bathing kit and her change of clothes, then told her the bath room should be empty. She dipped her head in respect, and turned towards the door. Leto opened it, then gave one last glance to the Captain before leading Ryna to the bath room.

A cursory check of the room revealed no guards and no danger. If Leto were to act as nursemaid for Ryna, he would use the opportunity to practice the duties of a bodyguard. It was the only way he could fulfill his duty to his family.

Someone had been kind enough to leave water over the small fire at the back of the room. Or they had left before they needed it. He paused for a moment while Ryna began preparing to wash. Leto wasn't sure if a bodyguard would stay in the room and turn their back, or guard the door outside.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Ryna work at the ties of her bodice. Before he could do more than blink, the dress was sliding off her shoulders and down her back. A soft, strangled sound lodged in his throat when the fabric bunched on the swell of her behind, and he spun around quickly, almost smacking his nose on the door. With a deep breath in, he slipped out, letting it loose once the door closed with a click.

Leto sincerely hoped no one came around to notice his blush. He didn't like the girl, at all, so why did he have to act like a virgin in a whorehouse? Everything about his life was centered on freeing his mother and sister, on getting them away from the Master, or any other Magister, out of Tevinter altogether. Nothing would distract him from his goal, not even a pretty girl with dark hair and a playful demeanor.

Growling at himself, Leto rolled his shoulders and began sifting through the noises around him, wary for any sounds of approach. A bodyguard could not be caught unawares, especially if he could not see his charge. Who was now naked and vulnerable on the other side of the door he stood against. Sensitive as his ears were, he couldn't help but notice the splashes of water and soft sighs.

Damnable woman.

Nevertheless, he'd likely have to get used to those sounds. According to Denarius' current bodyguards, he liked to have company, and could get rather noisome. Leto scrunched his nose at the thought of the wrinkly old Magister and some woman, but continued listening for anything out of place. He went through his sword exercises in his head while he waited for Ryna to finish. Better to just not think about any of that.

And then she giggled, a sweet, cheery sound that bounced off the stone floor and walls.

The normal hum of activity in the common area, already lower than Leto was used to, all but died. He schooled his face into a bored impassivity as heads began appearing in the doorway. Some copied her giggle, and a wolf whistle pierced the air.

"What are you doing out here when she's in there, splashing around and making those sounds?" Ector sniggered. He was always quick with a lewd joke, but everyone knew Sela, from the kitchens, had his heart. And his manhood. "No interest in women, eh?"

Leto was about to say that he had no interest in that particular woman, but didn't get a chance. A shriek echoed sharply from the bath room, and he had the door halfway open before a sopping wet Torpa tripped out. Leto just barely jumped out of the way.

"Aw, come on, sweets." Torpa stumbled back into the common room, holding his side as he laughed at whatever joke he thought funny. Leto shook his head at his sort-of friend, unsure whether to call him stupid or brave.

Ryna stalked after Torpa, her face livid. It was the second thing Leto noticed, after the thin drying cloth clinging to her curves. Her hair was unbound and dripping water everywhere, and he guessed Torpa had been caught just after she had rinsed soap from it.

She backed Torpa against the brazier in the middle of the room, where Torpa finally reined in his laughter. Leto crept closer in, undecided on what he should do. He had failed to keep Ryna safe like he had been practicing, and could only guess that Torpa had found a hiding spot before Ryna had entered. Clearly, she wasn't defenseless, and neither was Denarius, but either way, that wasn't the point.

Torpa seemed pleased that Ryna had followed him, and emboldened by the audience. "We should really get out of these wet clothes before we catch cold. Here, let me help you."

Just as quick as earlier with the slaver, Ryna slapped away the hand that reached for her the edge of the cloth at her breast. When Torpa didn't stop his advances, she did a complicated series of slaps and jabs Leto couldn't pick out that sent Torpa a few steps back. Leto would have thought Torpa drunk, if it weren't a beating offense, because he still went for Ryna's only source of propriety. With an angry huff, she grabbed Torpa's outstretched wrist, slammed her other hand into the outside of his bicep, twisted his arm, and slammed his face into one of the few tables in the room, scattering a game of cards.

"Ryna. Stand down." The room shot to attention at the sound of the Captain's voice.

Ryna shoved away from Torpa, and Leto could see her face twisted, not in the disgust he expected, but in disappointment. "You know, I get that I'm the new girl. But even if I haven't earned your respect yet, I do deserve some common decency." With a nod to the Captain, she slipped back into the bath room.


"Yes, Captain?"

"Check the pile of used drying cloths next time."

"Yes Captain." Leto reddened at his obvious mistake.

"You've learned your lesson, haven't you, Torpa."

"Yes, Captain," Torpa groaned as he righted himself.

Leto stepped away from him, refusing to help the other man up as he staggered. It wasn't even because he had made Leto look bad. No, Torpa had made the guard look bad. Yes, they were slaves, but at least in the guardhouse they were equals. New or not, Ryna deserved better than to be treated like an alley whore.

Unsure of what to do now, Leto slunk back to the door of the bath room. He didn't think Ryna would attack him; she had shown what Leto considered remarkable restraint with Torpa. Still, he had been assigned to look after her, both for the guards' sake and hers. He had failed, and he wanted to tell her he would do better in future.

The door opened before he could raise his hand to knock. They both started, not expecting someone on the other side, and Leto lowered his eyes, uncertain of what to say. Ryna cleared her throat, then stepped out and closed the door behind her.

"I'd like to get some fresh air, if that's alright."

He nodded, and hesitated. "I… apologize for not ensuring your complete privacy."

She looked up at him in slight amusement. "Oh, that man, Torpa? You're not at fault. I had simply thought the guards all used too many drying cloths." She smiled, but he saw the dark look cloud her eyes. "No harm done. At least, not to me."

Leto wasn't sure she entirely believed that, but nodded again, and led the way out to the training ground. She set her bath kit and bundle of clothes on a bench by the door and raised her face to the night sky, taking a deep breath. He stalled, waiting to see what she would do now outside, but she just took to walking around aimlessly, running hands and feet over random areas. He followed a few steps behind, giving her some space while still keeping her in easy reach.

A soft chuckle escaped her as she wiggled her toes in a patch of loose dirt, and she covered her mouth in surprise. "Sorry. I was always going barefoot back home. To be honest, I hated wearing boots all the time. Made it hard to get a good foothold when climbing."

"Well then, you won't have to worry about being forced to wear shoes here."

"A silver lining!"

"You… are rather odd."

"I've been told that a lot." Ryna left the sand and continued her meandering, occasionally bouncing on her toes, taking wider steps, or pivoting on the spot to walk backwards.

After watching her for awhile, he asked, "What are you doing?"

"Scouting my battlefield."


That made sense. She would be at a heavy disadvantage for her testing tomorrow. Simply knowing the lay of the land would help her. He didn't offer any advice, however, because tomorrow was just as much about proving himself as it was testing Ryna. He simply watched her, and when she was done, they returned to their bedrolls in the common room.

A few heads turned their way, but no one said a thing, or stared at Ryna overlong. Leto was glad of it. It was one thing to make sure the new trainee didn't try to run from slavery, and another thing to guard a woman's… virtue, from those she should be able to call comrades.

He stared at the ceiling as she carefully stashed her now few belongings beside her roll. She didn't seem overly protective of the dress she had come from Ferelden with. Perhaps she had told herself not to get attached to anything. A good lesson for a slave.

There was an awkward silence, everyone in the room aware of the new girl in their midst. Leto could feel the tension of not knowing; if she would try to escape before the morning, if she would survive her testing. If she would have to smack Torpa around again.

Apparently Ryna could feel the expectations layering on her, and with a loud sigh, said, "Good night, everyone."

Leto joined in the chuckles that filled the silence, and a few even responded in kind. When the room quieted again, he could feel the strain was not entirely gone, but instead now in favor of Ryna. He wasn't sure he liked the ease with which she had relaxed them all, but decided not everything this woman did was ominous.

"Good night, Ryna," he breathed, and turned towards the door he guarded, even in his sleep.
F!Hawke, captured by slavers and sold to Magister Denarius, finds friendship and love in the slave Leto. But she can't forget the family she left behind, and neither can he forget the family he swore to free. Rated M for future chapters.

Chapter 1: [link]

Chapter 2: [link]
Chapter 3: [here now]
Chapter 4: [link]
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Comic-Ninja-Whoot's avatar
Yay Fen... Leto! I want this to be like a DLC for the game. It would totally work out. And you could tell Fen about his time as Leto. :faint: Your writing is just so awesome I cant stop reading it. You need to write more right now! :la: